Stop Hating Broccoli! (6 Reasons To)

It was probably your most hated food as a kid and, as an adult, we can take a bet that nothing much has changed. So, why should you consider giving broccoli a second chance now? Well, here are 6 reasons why you should stop hating on broccoli!


1. Broccoli is good for your joints.

If having bad knees doesn’t sound appealing to you, eat your broccoli! research conducted by the University of East Anglia has revealed that sulforaphane (a compound found in broccoli) can prevent arthritis by slowing down the breakdown of cartilage.

2. Broccoli can reduce your risk of cancer.

According to Integrative Cancer Therapies, men who eat 3 or more servings of cruciferous vegetables (that includes broccoli), can reduce their risk of prostate cancer by a whopping 40%!

3. Broccoli is great for your memory.

Because it is jam-packed with magnesium, broccoli can do wonders in maintaining your memory for years to come.

4. Broccoli helps with waistline reduction.

A research study conducted by the US Department of Agriculture showed that consuming 24g or more of fiber a day (which is roughly around 1 head of broccoli) fills your stomach up and makes you less likely to want to indulge. In fact, you will probably eat 90 calories less per day than you normally would!

5. Recover with broccoli.

Had a heavy workout? Or are you recovering from a bad cold? Ditch the expensive vitamin C pills and fancy tonics and rather fill up on vitamin C rich vegetables such as broccoli which will help you to recover just as nature intended.

6. Broccoli cares for your heart.

Broccoli is good for your heart so it’s time for you to heart it back! When you eat broccoli florets, a chemical by the name of thioredoxin is produced which protects your heart’s cells from damage.